Tom Cafferkey



“What is good enough for today is not good enough for tomorrow” – A Continuous Improvement Culture

About Tom Cafferkey

As Chief Operations Officer at LotusWorks, Tom is  responsible for the strategic growth and development of the LotusWorks organisation. To remain as a leading engineering and technical solutions provider, Tom is driving growth at LotusWorks through continuous organisational and process improvement. Much of Tom’s time is spent building and progressing relationships with decision makers in the Bio-Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, ICT & Advanced technology sectors.  Tom’s strengths rest in his ability to prioritise and communicate business objectives necessary to achieve LotusWorks goals, he is entrepreneurial, flexible, and has an innovative approach to operational management. Tom has led organisational transformation projects within LotusWorks and has played a crucial role in solutions development as the market has evolved.

About Continuous improvement at Lotusworks

At LotusWorks, we add value to the customer experience through our company culture and behaviour. We provide dedicated personnel, which are solid performers and deliver results to clients in tune with their strategic objectives. Our solutions are tailored towards the needs of clients on a case by case basis and are optimized by our Lotus Workers being mindful and adaptable to different company cultures. We create value by not taking risks for our clients and enforcing a ‘no blame’ policy – all issues get address and efficacious solutions found. We pride ourselves on our high level of expertise, professionalism and integrity. We don’t let our clients down; you can count on us!

We believe what is good enough for today is not good enough for tomorrow. Therefore, we have adopted a Continuous Improvement culture which consists of a drive within our people to enhance processes, eliminate waste and reduce costs where possible. This results in incremental initiatives and innovations that help our teams and our clients to achieve the best practice. The formal Continuous Improvement Programme is deployed for our key clients. CI’s are presented and if agreed by our clients they are adopted. On average our clients are adopting LotusWorks enabled improvements of €300k/quarter.

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