Mick Berry

Smart Chargemike-barry-company-smartcharge

About Smart Charge:

We are designers and developers of Electric Vehicle Chargers. Since 2011 we have deployed over 1000 units in Ireland. In this time the needs of both EV owners and the Service Providers has changed, requiring a rethink of the designs in order to meet these needs. Key to this is the immediate need for higher power charging for longer. To draw more power domestically bring its own challenges but within a basic planning area for power normally served by a sub station of a certain dimension, there will be new stresses created with the increased roll out of electric vehicles.
We believe that a connected controllable charging system can be used to manage the large scale power requirements of the EV Market in the coming years. This can provide a functionaility with which to match the momentum of the sustainable energy components of the grid with the discretionary charging needs of the EV community, lowing costs to all stakeholders, protecting the grid from energy spiking and manage sub station loading at peak times. Our aim to to develop a platform to cater for next stage of EV development and the real time requirements of the EV charging system.

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