Irish Cooling Towers
How is that tiny mind of yours?
How dare I assume such a thing after all you have achieved and all that you know.
What gives me the right to say such a thing none – I have no right, surely I must be Ego Driven –well, in fact, I am driven by the
progression of our society.
This is not the time for Ego –this is the time to be clever in a world under massive change more now than ever I implore your criticisms, I promise to listen, filter, disseminate, discard and adopt as I see fit,
I won’t take it personally my ego is in check. If you can teach me something new, I am listening.
So I’ve had it wrong all these years uh oh don’t push me or I’m going to flex.
After all – ultimately I like the Status Quo, I’m comfortable, I have routine, I have familiarity, life is good, I like my tiny life.
My salary depends on all that I know, I have worth I have value, they better know it