Steam Generators Versus Traditional Shell and Tube Steam Boiler (Efficiency and Safety Benefits)
- All Companies should have an Energy Management program of a minimum standard and appropriate to the business concerned.
- This should be mandated by government and overseen by the appropriate department eg. SEAI
- Production / Commercial facilities should have an energy rating system and process in place to incentivize improvements
In to days industry, all company’s strive to have the have the most efficient and reliable plant to maximize uptime in order to keep production costs down and maximize profit and future viability for the company and its shareholders. Although companies set high goals, it is not always the case that the required management systems or mechanisms are in place to continually improve process and attain the standards expected. Budgetary constraints, competing priorities act to de-rail the best intentions set forward. A risk based approach needs to be adopted to ensure that limited resources are focused on the correct plant operation and maintenance activities and that capital investment is made on the correct plant and equipment. Many companies focus on their plant uptime primarily with energy and environment as secondary requirements or perhaps have no energy management program. This said, typically if you have good energy management systems in place, this will lead to higher uptime and efficiencies and indeed the necessarily capital investment can be more readily justified so really the two priorities complement each other. There is a lack of competency in the market around energy management. There is a reluctance to embrace new, even proven technologies. Energy management consultants need to assist company’s by understanding their individual needs, business and in particular preparing the business case, ROI and payback to get the project over the line. Internally, companies should all have a energy management program to a minimum standard and appropriate to the organization need. Opportunities to mandate this should be considered. For example, we have BER ratings for domestic housing and no ratings listed for larger commercial applications.
Awareness of Market Developments/ New Technologies and Opportunities.
In regard to the Title, Steam Generators versus Shell and Tube Boilers Steam Boilers, this relates to been aware of market developments and indeed embracing alternative technology which at times we appear slow or reluctant to do. (Many time justifiable so).
Here is a particular technology that has not been widely adopted to date yet has many significant benefits over its traditional competitor.
The following is a simple list of these:
- Technology developed in the 1940’s
- The concept is simple – Simple works when it comes to reliability
- Available in capacities from 200Kg to 20,000 Kg/Hr.
- Up to 93% Efficiencies
- Additional Generators can be added on.
- Generator produces steam from cold with 5 minutes – Therefore -No need to keep a standby unit at temperature, no energy lost
- 30% less footprint
- 99.5% dry saturated steam at all loads available
- It is not possible to have a steam explosion in a steam generator
- Many installations justified on Safety improvements alone
- Minimal blow down loses
- Minimal maintenance – 4 service visits / Annual 1 Day shut down for inspection
There are some disadvantages to the technology but on the balance these are far out weighed by the above.
Worth researching in my book.
About Fergus Regan:
Having originally trained as a marine engineer, I have built up almost 30 years work experience in the utility and facility maintenance industry. My employers have included Intel, Pruftechnik, Carillion, Dalkia, Airmotive, BP and Irish Shipping. I am currently employed by Veolia Industries Global Services on the Bristol-Myers Squibb Contract. I have particular expertise in condition based maintenance systems, maintenance and asset management and strategy development.
- MSc In Maintenance And Asset Management.
- NCEA Dip Eng AEng MIEI
- Marine Engineer
About Veolia Industries Global Services:
Integrated services for greater efficiency.
In 2010 Veolia assumed sole responsibility for an array of technical and support services on behalf of the pharmaceutical giant BMS, at its sites throughout Europe.
Eleven sites in Europe and a wide range of services
The scope of services included in Veolia’s contract with Bristol Myers Squibb is exceptionally broad: utilities and water cycle management, multitechnical maintenance, janitorial services, grounds management, laboratory support activities and an array of services for building occupants, including cleaning, reception and dining services. The contract encompasses 11 production, research and administrative sites: three in the UK; two in Ireland; two in Italy; and one each in Germany, Belgium, Spain and France.
By focusing on their core business, manufacturers can reduce their operating costs while simultaneously meeting their environmental goals.”
A single source for integrated solutions
Veolia has demonstrated its ability to draw on its full range of expertise in utilities – the water cycle, hazardous and non-hazardous waste management, recycling of solvents and more – to produce a single, integrated solution.
Veolia’s ISO 9001-certified Business Manual System, with its incorporation of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards for managing environmental impact and safety-related risks, ensures that uniform, standardized procedures are in place at each of BMS’s sites.
Moreover, Veolia has proposed a number of solutions to improve energy efficiency, reduce their water consumption and recover waste at BMS facilities.