Bausch + Lomb
Installation of an energy efficient CHP within a high volume manufacturing medical device facility.
Bausch + Lomb a manufacturer of medical devices and pharmaceutical products has installed and commissioned a state-of-the-art energy efficient Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant. The CHP rated at 3.3MWe supplies 65% of the facility’s electricity and 90% of the site’s thermal requirements. A number of auto production technologies were considered such as wind and solar for the site however, CHP technology was chosen based on its availability and return of investment potential. A 3.3MWe gas reciprocating engine with a combined heat recovery system of a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) and engine cooling water (jacket water) was selected.
About Derek O’Connor
Derek O’Connor holds both a Master’s Degree in Building Services Engineering from Brunel University and an Honors Degree in Engineering from the University College Northampton. He has over twenty years’ experience within the engineering sector as an engineer and a qualified electrician in various roles. Derek is the Facilities Engineering and Structural Manager for Bausch + Lomb Ireland having joined the company in November 2003. His main responsibility’s is the uptime, compliance, expansion projects and energy management for the site. During this period Derek has achieved runner up in the SEAI national energy awards in 2008 and 2017 in the “large user” category and was the team lead in obtaining ISO50001 accreditation in April 2013. More recently Derek has successfully completed the installation of a 3.3MWe CHP for the site in May 2016 and completed a 120,000ft2 expansion as part of a $200million investment for the site in April 2018.
About Bausch + Lomb:
Bausch + Lomb’s core activities are the development, manufacture and marketing of eye care products, ophthalmic surgical and pharmaceutical products. Bausch + Lomb’s position in the ophthalmology market has made the company one of the leading marketers of contact lenses and lens care solutions in the World. Bausch + Lomb, Waterford was established in 1980 employing over 100 people with a site footprint of 20,000 ft2 to manufacturer contact lenses. Today the site has evolved and expanded as a core manufacturing facility of contact lenses and pharmaceutical products that employs over 1,200 people with a site footprint of 400,000ft2.